Happy Birthday, Linker!

Eight years ago Lincoln James Milhous was born early at 4# some ounces. To remember that sweet teeny little delicate boy hooked up to all kinds of tubes … a challenging time; but GOD. Isn’t that just a great expression… ‘but GOD’. He had plans for this child and we are so thankful for the boy he is. At dinner (we have been eating a lot!), Shari suggested that we share something about Lincoln that we notice & admire & appreciate. Each of us said some variation of his tender heart and care for others; that’s our special boy! Of course, he is a Lego maniac and a Minecraft addict too but trumped by his character. So thankful I am able to be here celebrating birthdays & life with family.

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The Royal Karavan

As a full-time, experienced Realtor in sunny Arizona ... sometimes a gal's just got to take a break! My core value and values come from being a CHRIST-follower; that means He's on the move and so am I. It's a blessing to enjoy the beauty of our world, learn about & invest in lives of people along the way, maybe doing a little creative fabric-ating and/or painting while enjoying the abundant life. HilltopShine comes from when I read Matthew 5:14 in the Message version many years ago. JESUS said, 'Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.' It didn't sound simply like a suggestion to me - but pretty much just do this: SHINE!

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