One small step….

The Ohio Milhous family (& I) drove to DC to enjoy some time with Gary & Julie. We’ve already squeezed a lot of wonderful, laughing memory time in together….along with some good food!

Last night we joined thousands of others at our national mall to watch the NASA salute to the Apollo mission. – 50 years ago – and just six days before our 50th Anniversary. (I bought the Lego Lunar Lander for myself for anniversary gift….with the grands’ input to put it together :-)) Images were projected on screens and ON the Washington Monument. It was a terrific evening shared by all those people who cheered enthusiastically at lift off & the giant leap for mankind…..outstanding evening!




Published by

The Royal Karavan

As a full-time, experienced Realtor in sunny Arizona ... sometimes a gal's just got to take a break! My core value and values come from being a CHRIST-follower; that means He's on the move and so am I. It's a blessing to enjoy the beauty of our world, learn about & invest in lives of people along the way, maybe doing a little creative fabric-ating and/or painting while enjoying the abundant life. HilltopShine comes from when I read Matthew 5:14 in the Message version many years ago. JESUS said, 'Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.' It didn't sound simply like a suggestion to me - but pretty much just do this: SHINE!

6 thoughts on “One small step….”

  1. Chills! How exciting that you could be a part of that celebration 50 years later! Hope you are enjoying every moment with your family!

  2. Oh Karen, what an Amazing memory to share as you celebrate 50 years ago! What a Treasure! 💞(as the Lunar Lander launched into the Heavens)! Glory to God

    1. What a beautiful experience to share with the family! I remember well the lunar landing…I was trying to get a tan to look good for your wedding…one too many trips to the beach and I was burned too badly to go with you all again, but I was home to watch the historic moment on TV.

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