Resurfacing! ‘I am so exciting…’

I PLANNED on writing short little bloggy things every couple days, but …. life! Between managing business (yay!) from afar and that precious time with the grands, the time for writing a blog just evaporated.

Have been to Michigan for reunion with Cousins in Kzoo, nostalgia trip to Purdue for Ken & Shari to show the kids (seems like not that long ago Gary & I were dropping him off there for Freshman year!), quilt show and lots of grand time & adventures.

Today (Gary’s bday – lots of thinking as I drove from Ohio) I’ve arrived in North Carolina; tomorrow I get to see Cousin Janice and Cousin Patti and special treat Uncle Willard. He’s a beautiful man of GOD, an amazing Naval vet/alumni of the USS Enterprise, author of his book of experiences (It’s Been a Merry Whirl), father/grandfather/great grandfather. Am blessed that I can call him Uncle and am in his timezone!


This is so funny….I had another fun day with 3yr old Hudson on Monday, the day before his 4th birthday. He says so many things that just crack me up – he’s full of personality! Instead of saying he’s excited he says ‘I’m so exciting!’ Over the weekend his Dad bought starter compound bows & target for Layla & Lincoln; Hudson was asleep in the car but he’s too young for that sport anyway. Back to Monday, at lunch the waitress asked him how old he was and he was delighted to share that he was three but the next day was his birthday and he would be four. She congratulated him and Hudson responded with …. ‘Unfortunately, my brother and sister both got bows.’ She & I roared!

Am westward bound after tomorrow…..sweet home, Arizona!

Published by

The Royal Karavan

As a full-time, experienced Realtor in sunny Arizona ... sometimes a gal's just got to take a break! My core value and values come from being a CHRIST-follower; that means He's on the move and so am I. It's a blessing to enjoy the beauty of our world, learn about & invest in lives of people along the way, maybe doing a little creative fabric-ating and/or painting while enjoying the abundant life. HilltopShine comes from when I read Matthew 5:14 in the Message version many years ago. JESUS said, 'Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.' It didn't sound simply like a suggestion to me - but pretty much just do this: SHINE!

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